Time: 7:30pm
NB-Fucking-CSN, CSN-CH
WGN 720
Shaw expounds upon comments he made on Updog
Not sure why they bother anymore
You know you want to:
find out what happened to DesertHawk
17-seconds.com Stolen Edition Blackhawks Bingo Rules
- Get Your card here: Today’s Bingo Card
- Screenshot your card and post it in thread below
- Watch game and listen/look/smell for phrases
- Mark phrases on your card as you see/hear/feel them
- You may want to post uncommon phrases when you experience them to avoid conflicts
- First person/menno to post picture of winning bingo card wins (duh)
- Cheaters will be ex-communicated and expelled to the lowest level of hell…which is still here for now, but Twitter is making a play for it.
Screenshot How-to
- Click link in Step 1 to get random card
- Resize the browser so that only the card is visible (make sure complete card is visible)
- *Windows Users* hit alt+Print Screen to copy card to clipboard
- Open photo or image program you know (Photoshop, Paint, Word, Outlook, etc.)
- Paste image into a new photo/over old photo (ctrl-v) and save image
- Post your card in Bingo thread by attaching the image to a comment
- Keep your browser with your card open as you can magically mark it off as you go
- *Mac Users* - Follow Windows instructions but do whatever it is Mac users do for that crap..whatever I don’t care
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